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8 Easy Energy Saving Tips For Your Home

We can often overlook the amount of energy we waste in our always-on, always-connected world of instant power. Here are some tips to reducing your Turks and Caicos home energy bill as well as your carbon footprint.

Energy saving tips

Unplug appliances when not in use This is one of the simplest, most effective ways to conserve electricity, but also one of the most difficult habits to develop. Look around your home, at the myriad pinpoint LED lights that adorn your appliances and gadgets around the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom.

Air dry clothes whenever possible The electric clothes dryer in your home is just about the most expensive appliance to run, requiring 5,000 watts or more of electricity when in use.

Choose a split A/C system When looking at tips for energy conservation in TCI, consider using an energy-efficient split A/C unit to cool specific areas rather than your entire home at once. A 40,000 BTU central air-conditioning system draws around 6,000 watts — that’s six kilowatts per hour and is likely to be the biggest single contributor to your electricity bill.

Install a smart thermostat the problem with many home thermostats is that the heating/cooling system relies on a single thermostat to set a single temperature throughout the entire home for as long as it’s on. More flexible systems have a separate thermostat for individual zones in the home, allowing more control.